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  • Istituto TeCIP


Publication date: 18.11.2016
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The Laboratory of Real-Time Systems (ReTiS), part of the Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies (TeCIP) of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, will participate at Wearable Tech Torino (WTT) that will be held  from 18 to 19 November, and is the first fair dedicated to wearable technologies, completely organized and managed by students.

WTT is unique in all Europe. The fair, which will be free entrance and open to everybody, offers the possibility to learn more and to explore the future we are going to wear.

Wearable devices are the future of technology and will soon be in the daily life of each of us. Reading notifications quickly, improving sports performances, monitoring physical activity and vitals are just some of the possible uses of these devices.

This is the goal of the WTT: 48 hours to talk about the past, present and the future of wearable technology. Through a series of talks given by innovators, researchers and entrepreneurs, you will discover the history of wearables in the following fields: Future  Innovation, Start-Up and New Economy, Medical and Wellness, Fashion and Smart Textiles.

The ReTiS laboratory, with its nearly twenty years of experience in real-time systems, will illustrate the challenges that characterize the new wearable solutions to make them more robust and reliable systems. Also, it will present a prototype of a wearable sensor developed with the aim to show the potential of this approach in the context of body tracking for recreational and rehabilitative purposes.

For fully detailed conference agenda and additional information, please see website.